
Sunday, September 8, 2013


I can't believe how {quickly} the week flew by. 
We had a blast meeting and getting to know all of our class this week.
Thank you to all the parents that stopped in on Back to School Night!

-We got to know each other pretty well.  The students loved sharing their "Me Bags" with one another.  I was equally as excited to learn all about what the kids do outside of school. 
We have a talented group!
-We learned all about the policies and procedures of our classroom and Hamilton.  I have to say the students are most excited about ClassDOJO and about becoming a Leader In Me [click to learn more] School.

-We began reading The Bad Beginning, which is the first book in The Series of Unfortunate Events.

-We learned how to have great book discussions which will get us ready for our reading groups.

-We focused on some comprehension and students used details from the story to draw a character how they view them now.  They came out great.

We also did lots of writing and math in our first week too.
{It was just too busy to snap photos of those!}

Also, please vote for Hamilton in Target's Gift Card Giveway. Every vote = $1 in supplies for Hamilton Students. 
[You can vote every few days until September 21st]
Click here and vote! 
Until next week,

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