
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Welcome to the 2013-2014 School Year!

I am [so] excited for this year to begin!  We are off to a great year ahead of us! First and foremost, let me introduce myself...

Many of you may know me as Ms. York.  
I got married over the summer and am returning this school year as Mrs. Hawthorne 
Same face with a new name.  
This will be my 5th year with W-W and I can't wait!  
I have a Bachelor of Science from Eastern Michigan University in Elementary Education and a Masters of Arts in K-12 Administration from Eastern as well.  
I absolutely l-o-v-e technology and you will often find me training technology around the district.  
Your child will become very comfortable with technology this year as we prepare them for what the future holds.   
For this reason, I created our class website so that you would become familiar with looking towards technology for information regarding your child's school as your child looks for information through technology to help them learn.

When you visit this website, you will see relevant information regarding our classroom.  There will be extra copies of notes that go home, websites to visit, pictures from our classroom, or any important information regarding Hamilton or our classroom.

Click here for an extra copy of our Class Syllabus.

Please come to Back to School Night on Thursday, September 5th from 6-7 p.m.  There will be two 15 minute presentations [6 p.m. and 6:30] with 15 minutes in-between for your child to share their classroom with you.

We will be using a system called ClassDOJO.  
On our Back to School Night, I will be giving a quick presentation regarding this!  
ClassDOJO gives real-time updates to parents regarding their child's behavior.
{Yes, you read that right.
You can see how your child is behaving even while they are at school.
What do you need?
You will need internet access and a pass-code that is individualized to your child.
Your child will receive this code the first day of school.
One you get this code, you will create a login with ClassDOJO here.
You can login from any smartphone too.  There is also a free app.  Get it here.
Watch this video all about ClassDOJO here.

On the right-hand side menu, at the bottom, there is a place to link your email.  
If you do this, you will receive an email with the information I post each time I update this site.  
It's a great way to stay connected! 
You can also link up with Facebook and Twitter by clicking on the blue social media icons on the upper right hand side of the screen!

Hope to see you on Thursday at Back to School Night,

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