
Sunday, September 15, 2013


The ending of our second week was an emotional one to say the least.
We have many changes going on around the building this upcoming week.
With the addition of a new fourth grade classroom, the district has provided us with quite the opportunity.
This will allow our students to get more one-on-one time working with the teachers.
I was {so} blessed this year with such a great group of kiddos, it broke my heart to see any of them go.
But I know that this is truly in the best interest of our students, and for that, I am so happy.

On Friday, I was out of the classroom working with the new fourth grade team to make it as seamless of a transition as possible for students.
I have to say that I am so E-X-C-I-T-E-D for our new fourth grade team!  They are wonderful!

-Mrs. Zarate will be moving from 1st grade to 4th.  She is the Girls on the Run Coach and many of our students already know and love her!  It is the perfect fit.

-Mrs. Kihn {KEEN like queen she told me the first day I met her} is the new teacher in place of Mrs. Mackellar.  She is new to W-W and on her first day with us, she fit right in.

-Mrs. Mackellar moved and has taken a job in another district closer to home so she can spend more time with her family.  We will miss her and wish her the best.

-All fourth graders will still line up outside of the fourth grade doors, and will be dismissed outside of these doors as well.
-Fourth graders will still keep their safety posts.  This will not change :)

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.  We want to emphasize to our students the positives of these transitions and the opportunities it provides them.

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