
Monday, December 9, 2013


The month of December is all about Habit 3: Put First Things First.  Or in kid friendly language, "Work First, Then Play".
Thank you parents for bringing the habits into your home. 
I love watching the students blossom into leaders. 
If you are interested in some more activities to use at home, click here for a parent guide.
We celebrated the habit by discussing our "Big Rocks vs. Little Rocks". 
Your "Big Rocks" are the things that matter most in life such as family, school, health, homework, pets, religion, etc. 
Your "Little Rocks" are the things you like to do but aren't priorities such as videogames, going to a friend's house, watching TV, etc.
We tried to fill a bucket by putting all of our little rocks in first, and then filling the bucket with our big rocks.
We quickly realized this would not work.
So the students had to figure out that if you fill your bucket first with your "Big Rocks" all the "Little Rocks" fit right in around the big ones.
This shows the students that when you "Put First Things First" that there is always time for fun and you get done everything that you need to do.
Last week, we had to "Put First Things First" by practicing daily for our Holiday Music Concert.
In case you missed it, our students looked so great!
{Can't they just dress like that every single day?}
We've also "Put First Things First" by working hard to achieve our attendance goal
Each day, our goal is to have 2 or less students absent
We can't learn if we aren't here!
Each day we meet our goal, we put up a letter of L-E-A-D-E-R-S out in the hall.
Once we completely spell the word L-E-A-D-E-R-S, we have an At-Ten-Dance Party [get it attendance?].  So basically, at 10 a.m. that day we stop and bust it down for 5 minutes.
The students love it.

I am SO excited to announce that we have made our attendance goal every week, which also means our classroom is the attendance leaders of the school.
So we earned the reward of fun drinks & fancy straws!

We "Put First Things First" by completing our book reports on time!
Our November Book Jackets were fabulous!

[I also have to mention their "leader voices" as I like to call them while they present.  We don't even have a need for a microphone anymore because they sound like they are using one!]

Lastly, we have "Put First Things First" by preparing for our Rounding Test
I love that they LOVE to do math.
I hope that never changes.

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