
Monday, November 4, 2013


Our first field trip of the year was a success!
I am [so] impressed with the way our students acted like leaders and represented Hamilton both on the bus and inside the MSC.

We began our day in the Toyota Engineering Show. 
Although photography wasn't allowed inside of the show, I have to mention how much fun it has been to listen to the students talk about becoming an engineer since our field trip.
{Maybe it has something to do with the interactive seats in the show that sprayed water at us?}
Either way, it is great to hear that science is cool!

Next, we watched To the Arctic from the IMAX Dome Theatre.

What a beautiful film that takes you on a journey into the lives of a mother polar bear and her cubs as they navigate the Arctic wilderness.
The footage was absolutely c-a-p-t-i-v-a-t-i-n-g and I'm thrilled the students were able to experience it.
[Again, no photos were allowed!]

After lunch, we were finally off to explore all the hands-on exhibits of the Michigan Science Center.
The students had a BLAST and I was able to snap a few pictures...

And finally...a group picture to close out a wonderful day!
How lucky am I that I get to be with these kids everyday?

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